Tuesday, October 19, 2010

changing things up a bit,

got rather bored of the last design, so i've chosen a new template. what d'you think? a bit flashy really, but i needed a little spice today.

i've been on the computer now for a fair amount of time, trying to sort out photos, recipes, fb, books, et al. i should have finished cleaning the kitchen. would have felt more accomplished. ah well, it'll all get done, right?

i've been working on my primary goals this past while, organising my schedule & tryin' to fit it all in. all & all i've been pretty up in the accomplishments column, but have been pretty slack thus far this afternoon. i've added studying korean to the list & just this morning had my second lesson. things are going rather smoothly. i'm proud to admit to getting to the gym four times in the past week. & was feeling good about that until 3 or 4 hours ago, when i became a sloth. as always, i hestitate to write stuff down as though through the solidification of ideas into written word, the good fortune morphs into a ethereal being who'll curse my name & alter future happenings. thus far, teaching is too going well with six beginning piano students. i was hoping for 10, but there's still time? i have also read the first of my 12 books, 12 months challenge. i've added the libraryThing on the right where i intend to keep track of my library & write reviews. well i think that about covers it.

good enough.

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