Wednesday, April 1, 2009


with our move to Dubai being fairly imminent (4months), i've been busy making lists of 'things to do', 'things to donate| put into consignment', & 'things to take'. i'm trying to get recent projects ready to take & finish when i arrive, or ready enough to leave & complete when i return. i'm not considering taking the flannel quilt with me, but i'd like to have the peek-a-boo quilt ready to go. i must also finish a robe for my wee one & the wall hanging. i must decide on taking my embroidery. plus i wanted to start some crewel embroidery since i bought the supplies (took them with me to korea & dropped it for jasu).

i recently got a laptop, so i've had to re-order the program i'm using that organises my recipe box. yeah! i can now begin to consolidate my fav recipes into one place, & have only to take my laptop with me to the UAE (though i'll prob sneak in a few cookbooks anyways). we've also recently discovered a site that allows for great amount of document storage for little per month. we're still looking into that to see if it's viable & stable before investing time transfering info. my partner found an awesome site, xmarks, that consolidates bookmarks from different computers, & keeps them online, so if i were to go to your house, i can access my links. cool, eh!

luckily, i have a great friend who's letting us store most of our stuff in their big warm basement. & another great friend who's going to take care of my cat. the decisions about what to take will be difficult. i really only want to take a backpack, but then i remember the quilt i'm working on, the books i'm trying to read, the music i want to make, & think unless i have a carpet bag like mary poppins, there's no way i can fit it all into one bag.

a gratuitous shot of my beautiful pussycat, lillian. she's 13 this year.

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